Economic Carbon Dioxide Production (ECO2-Pro) Systems
ECO2-Pro Systems provide a low-cost way to increase plant production whilst regulating the environment in greenhouses.
The ECO2-Pro System fits to your Combined Heat and Power (CHP) station, purifying exhaust gases and releasing the remaining carbon dioxide into the greenhouse atmosphere.
ECO2-Pro System reduces nitrogen oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO) and ethylene pollutants from engines and promotes growth in plant crops with continual carbon dioxide CO2 production.

The Science
Generators are installed in greenhouse systems to produce electricity and heat, and now their emissions can be used to enhance plant growth.
Greenhouse Combined Heat and Power Stations (CHP) are made up of generators running on combustible gas fuels that produce electrical and thermal energy, achieving an excellent overall effectiveness level of up to 90%.
The exhaust gas from generator engines is made up of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitrogen oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO), non-methane hydrocarbons (NMH), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O), and water vapour (H2O) – depending on the mode of operation (gas/air ratio).
This results in a CO2 concentration of approximately 5 – 6 Vol. % in natural gas operation. This carbon dioxide can now be used for CO2 fertilisation in greenhouses.
The ECO2Pro System continually monitors the emissions of NO, CO, NO2 and ethylene from the engine. The system reduces the NOx, CO and ethene content from the exhaust gases. The purified gases can then be used for CO2 fertilisation in the nursery.